Friday, May 28, 2010


I feel sick. My stomach is churning from sheer nervousness. Why? Because I got another interview with another nurse manager at the hospital I'm applying to. That makes this nurse manager interview #3. Friends keep reassuring me that this is a good sign. "They wouldn't give you another interview if they didn't like you." While that is a strong and valid argument, I can't help but think, "Is the nurse recruiter just giving me more chances because the other nurse managers didn't like me and passed on me?" That questions has been swimming around in my head all day and will continue to do so until my interview next week. I had the same question before nurse manager interview #2, but it wasn't quite so strong. But since this is my third interview and have not been hired, I'm getting very nervous. The residency program starts in about two months. Shouldn't I know by now?

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