i have been really busy this week. i had my a&p lab practical which was kind of weird. i am not certain on what i got but eh. today i had my a&p lecture test. that was fun. no really, it was. i finished it in 15 minutes. they were right, he does get all his questions from the study guide.
this week was our spiritual emphasis week. john henderson was our speaker. puc is lucky because they get to hear him a lot. i really like the way he speaks. he presents his sermons in dialogue form which keeps the listeners interested. and he talks about real issues that we would be going through. i love it!
yesterday i was supposed to be in my dorm studying all night for my a&p test but i got dragged into going to the mall with amy and briggitte. after we got back i went to the eagle's nest to get some coffee so i can pull my late night cram session. i ended up staying there for about thirty minutes talking to mamu and kristen. when i got back to angwin i talked to jason from loma linda for about fifteen more minutes. so much for studying. at least today's test was easy.
my cousin came to visit. it was really weird because i was just talking to kristen about how i don't remember when the last time i saw him was. my cousins and i are planning to go to san francisco some time to visit my other cousin. i am not sure what college she is going to anymore. berkley? ucsf? or some other one? i don't know. but she is in san francisco and near the city, that's all i know.
i got two more bruises near both of my shoulders. but this time i know where i got them from, i think. i am 90% sure i know but for the sake of not feeling like an idiot i won't say how.
i really miss my old friends. everyone is so far away and busy. talking to them online or on the phone makes me miss them more. i miss you guys so much! =/