I haven't blogged in a while so I feel it is my duty to catch up on my summer. Nothing major has happened so far. I've just been spending time with friends and family and volunteering at the hospital. I volunteer at the medical library. My supervisor is Filipino so she is really chill and gives me lots of free food. Jenelyn and I have been trying to make stuff for our summer project, so I decided to make a pink, yellow, and gray mushroom. Isn't it pretty?

Tonight I went to Japanese Village with Kristina and Jenelyn. We ate a Frying Fish because that's the only place that makes salmon skin rolls that I like. We headed over to a party hosted by Kevin and Joe. It was a Glendale party, but it ended up being a SGA reunion.

There was this one girl (who happens to be lesbian) kept grinding and dancing on me. I was a bit uncomfortable so Sheila tried to hide me. Haha!
While we were leaving to go home, we had a little PTC reunion, minus Mark. We were like gangsters because we were hanging out on the street next to a car in the middle of the night. Yeah!

I got to use my new camera a lot tonight. I finally got my
Canon Powershot SD750 on Wednesday. I'm really happy that I got this camera because it takes really good pictures.
OK. I have to finish packing. I am going up north tomorrow for my niece's graduation. Yay!