friday night was interesting, to say the least. i went to the a party at danny's house. it was the last party of the quarter and i knew a lot of people were going to be there so i did not want to miss out on seeing my fellow LSUers getting drunk off their asses. the house was crazy. you could not even dance because you couldn't move. so many people were there. i thought danny was the only owner that was going to be there but lilly, cindy, and wayne were there. at least danny wasn't manning the house all by himself. when we said hi to danny, he was already drunk. i must say that i like drunk danny a lot better than sober danny. he is nicer and less of a cocky jerk. a few minutes after i got there i saw four guys carrying a passed out asian chick outside so they could take her to the hospital. i unknowingly placed my sweater in the weed room so by the time i went to go get it my sweater smelled like weed. people were falling on the floor and beer was getting spilled all over the carpet. the party was getting a little too crazy so cindy and lilly tried kicking some people out. we went outside for a little bit when cindy comes out yelling at this girl, anita, that would not leave and was being a bitch. anita hit cindy and ran away. cindy got really pissed off so she went after her. anita got cindy in the face really good. briggitte and giselle were trying to pull off cindy. andy and saj eventually got them off each other. that chick fight was crazy! danny came out and told us to leave because cops were coming and we are minors. while walking to the car we saw three other fights. an asian guy got knocked out by a big white guy. you could hear the punch from where we were standing. after that we speed out of there. we went to ken's house to chill. someone told us that ten other fights broke out after we left. wow, what a way to end the quarter. and no matter what anyone says, it pays to be 100% sober. you don't miss a thing! =D