Thursday, July 22, 2004

hmmm... i thought that things were different. but all of a sudden it changed. it was so familiar and comfortable. we were both laughing and talking about the weirdest things. that lasted for about two days. then it went back to the same thing. maybe it was too soon to start talking again. or maybe this is just how it is going to be from now on. after a long time of not talking at all we talk online for a little bit. then it all fades away and they just stop talking to me. but i like the familiarity of our conversations. so comfortable and fun. we actually laughed. and they were geniun laughs. i thought things were different. i guess not.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

i have gone back to my old routine of blogging... every once a month or so. and it is time for me to blog once again. how is everyone doing? summer treating you well? it is hard to believe that it is more than half way through. july seems like a really boring and hot month for me. but i went to the getty museum last friday. it was beautiful! the garden is a really nice place to sit. if i could i would just sit there for hours. i do not have much to say so i am going to cut this short. bYe!