2009 consisted of:
my 22nd birthday...
my nursing dedication...
saying farewell to my old pc and saying hello to my MAC, which I paid for all by myself =)...
finally meeting my friend soulmate, Jing...
the formation of BITZ (Kristina is missing)...
the discovery of BLUE velvet cake, which makes your poop blue. But the red velvet at Le Grande Orange is still better...
LAKERS 2008-2009 NBA CHAMPIONS! This is the US Bank building lit up in purple and gold...
going to the Laker Championship parade. You can see Lamar Odom...
AFRICA bound...

"my" baby Moses in Africa. The nurses kept telling me to adopt him...

petting a cheetah in Africa...

going on an African safari...

seeing a dead carcass on safari...

the night I got the most drunk I had ever been...
experiencing the joy that comes with drinking Serendipity's Frozen Hot Chocolate...
my first slot machine experience, and of course it's a panda slot machine...
the aftermath: we don't look so tore up...
cutting my hair...
and donating it to Locks of Love...
PASSING BOARDS!! You can look it up yourself, I'm LEGIT...
finally visiting Jenelyn in Texas after 5 years...
when in Texas...
going to a real Texas rodeo...
THE San Diego trip...
accompanying Jenelyn to a Hanson concert. Those fans are crazy...
discovering Scoops and seeing Charlyne Yi there...
the AWESOMENESS of Oktoberfest...
and our 1 gallon jug...
Halloween in Vegas...
and all the craziness that comes with it...
Vegas trip 3# which consisted of gambling, eating, sleeping and a strip club...
our annual Christmas party: #8...

As much fun as I had in 2009, I welcome 2010 with open arms. I can look forward to working, graduation, finding my own place to live, and who knows what else.