"what's up thug. that's all for now. keep it real, homes." thank you dennis. kristina, your boyfriend is special. that is like the fifth note. they are pretty funny though.
i did not plan to go out today but things seemed to be looking up for me. kristina came over. we talked a little and ate. then she went to go get her hair cut. it's very short but very cute. we shopped at forever 21. we got hungry again so we went to pho 79. i heart pho. i have been craving it for a long time so i finally got some. we walked around a alhambra. there is a store called nucleus. they had a tote with angry little girls on it. it had the asian girl burning a boy and it said "love is friendsip set on fire." I WANT IT! khaing told us about a really good dessert place near there. the service was great. the lady was so nice and they boxed the dessert so nicely. not to mention that the dessert was amazing. we went to starbucks to eat our dessert and get a drink. i saw an old elementary friend there. kris and i hung out for a while. it's fun hanging out with friends you haven't hung out with in a long time. good times. =D
i want this bag real bad!! IT'S REVERSABLE! =O
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006
anything to avoid homework..
1 MINUTE AGO: talking to people online
1 HOUR AGO: taking a shower
1 day AGO: watching a movie
1 YEAR AGO: probably crapping
I LOVE: pandas
I HATE: panda killers
I FEAR: not getting into llu
I HIDE: my money
I DRIVE: a camry, at least when i can
I NEED: oxygen
I KNOW: more things than you do
I THINK: i am on crack
First piercing: left cartilage
First credit card: VISA last year
First enemy: justin m in kinder
First instrument: piano
Last big car ride: what is a big car ride? wednesday?
Last movie seen: donnie darko
Last food consumed: pesto tortellini
Last CD played: sunsets and car crashes by SPILL CANVAS =D
Last drink drank: water
Last alchol drank: so long ago.. vodka?
I AM: a girl
I WANT: sleep
I HAVE: feet
I WISH: i could fly
I WONDER: why i am not sleeping
I DANCE: to everything
I SING: beautifully
I CRY: when someone pokes me in the eye
I AM NOT ALWAYS: in my right mind
I WONT: do drugs
COLOR: turquoise
DAY(S): wednesdays, i think
MONTH: december and february
SEASON: autumn and spring
DRINK: water
CRIED? nope
A LOT? i didn't cry
GOTTEN SICK? a little
WRITTEN IN A DIARY?: yes, but it is called a journal. J-O-U-R-N-A-L
HAD A SERIOUS TALK?: yes.. good times
KISSED SOMEONE?: if i did, i don't remember
1 MINUTE AGO: talking to people online
1 HOUR AGO: taking a shower
1 day AGO: watching a movie
1 YEAR AGO: probably crapping
I LOVE: pandas
I HATE: panda killers
I FEAR: not getting into llu
I HIDE: my money
I DRIVE: a camry, at least when i can
I NEED: oxygen
I KNOW: more things than you do
I THINK: i am on crack
First piercing: left cartilage
First credit card: VISA last year
First enemy: justin m in kinder
First instrument: piano
Last big car ride: what is a big car ride? wednesday?
Last movie seen: donnie darko
Last food consumed: pesto tortellini
Last CD played: sunsets and car crashes by SPILL CANVAS =D
Last drink drank: water
Last alchol drank: so long ago.. vodka?
I AM: a girl
I WANT: sleep
I HAVE: feet
I WISH: i could fly
I WONDER: why i am not sleeping
I DANCE: to everything
I SING: beautifully
I CRY: when someone pokes me in the eye
I AM NOT ALWAYS: in my right mind
I WONT: do drugs
COLOR: turquoise
DAY(S): wednesdays, i think
MONTH: december and february
SEASON: autumn and spring
DRINK: water
CRIED? nope
A LOT? i didn't cry
GOTTEN SICK? a little
WRITTEN IN A DIARY?: yes, but it is called a journal. J-O-U-R-N-A-L
HAD A SERIOUS TALK?: yes.. good times
KISSED SOMEONE?: if i did, i don't remember

yesterday we went to claire's because giselle wanted to go earring shopping. i looked at their nail polish selection and they had some weird colors. i wanted to try the green one on because it was so GREEN. then i saw the turquoise one and of course i wanted to try that one on. since i already had two weird colors on, i decided to paint the rest of my hand with different colors. people's reactions to my nails are priceless. everyone agrees that they look like candy. yum. i think i am going to start doing this everytime i go to claire's. =D
on a weirder and sicker note, i farted in one room and heidi heard it in the other room and all the doors were closed. i'm proud of myself.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Chapter 1: You
Intials: JGFM
Middle name: grace or febre.. not really sure
Sex: female
Date of birth: feb 4
Current location: riverside
Height: 5 feet
Hair length: middle of my back
hair color: black
Piercings: one.. left cartilage
tattoos: nope
Chapter 2: The Background
Do you live with your parents? not all the time. i'm a dormer at angwin
Do you get along with your parents?: most of the time
Do you have any siblings?: no
What pets do you have?: no, unless you count my invisible pet panda. haha
Chapter 3: Favorites
City: los angeles is all i can think of right now
Ice cream flavor: cookies n creme
Season: autumn
Clothing brand: hmm.. hollister, ae, forever21, anf (sometimes), aero, lux, urban outfitter brand, wet seal stuff
Shampoo/conditioner: panteen
Old nickelodeon show: rugrats
Color: TURQUOISE! wOOts!
Cheesy pick-up line: can i be your big bird to your bert&ernie.. nice giselle
Flower: sampaguita.. only the ones who REALLY know me know that. =D
Chapter 4: Do you...
Sing in the shower?: yes
Write memos on your hand?: oh yeah
Call people back?: yes
Have your driver's license?: yep
Believe in love?: sure do
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: if you are laying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, i sleep on the left
Think you're attractive?: oh hex yeah! =P
Wear glasses or contacts?: glasses
Have any weird pet peeves?: clumpy eyelashes with mascara
Chapter 5: Have You Ever ...
Worn braces? no
Broken a bone?: no
Had stitches?: no
Punched someone in the face?: accidentally
Skipped school?: yes
Taken painkillers?: tylenol
Gone SCUBA diving?: no
Been stung by a jellyfish?: nope
Been stung by a bee?: no
Thrown up in a restaurant?: no
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: yep
Sworn in front of your parents?: yeah
Had detention?: yeah
Been sent to the principal's office?: yes..twice
Been called a bitch?: yeah
Been called a Hoe?: in the nicest way possible
Played ding dong ditch?: no
Chapter 6: Random
If you could take back one thing, what would it be?: no comment
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair?: brown
If you were on death row, what would your final request be?: to fly away and become invisible =D
Chapter 1: You
Intials: JGFM
Middle name: grace or febre.. not really sure
Sex: female
Date of birth: feb 4
Current location: riverside
Height: 5 feet
Hair length: middle of my back
hair color: black
Piercings: one.. left cartilage
tattoos: nope
Chapter 2: The Background
Do you live with your parents? not all the time. i'm a dormer at angwin
Do you get along with your parents?: most of the time
Do you have any siblings?: no
What pets do you have?: no, unless you count my invisible pet panda. haha
Chapter 3: Favorites
City: los angeles is all i can think of right now
Ice cream flavor: cookies n creme
Season: autumn
Clothing brand: hmm.. hollister, ae, forever21, anf (sometimes), aero, lux, urban outfitter brand, wet seal stuff
Shampoo/conditioner: panteen
Old nickelodeon show: rugrats
Color: TURQUOISE! wOOts!
Cheesy pick-up line: can i be your big bird to your bert&ernie.. nice giselle
Flower: sampaguita.. only the ones who REALLY know me know that. =D
Chapter 4: Do you...
Sing in the shower?: yes
Write memos on your hand?: oh yeah
Call people back?: yes
Have your driver's license?: yep
Believe in love?: sure do
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: if you are laying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, i sleep on the left
Think you're attractive?: oh hex yeah! =P
Wear glasses or contacts?: glasses
Have any weird pet peeves?: clumpy eyelashes with mascara
Chapter 5: Have You Ever ...
Worn braces? no
Broken a bone?: no
Had stitches?: no
Punched someone in the face?: accidentally
Skipped school?: yes
Taken painkillers?: tylenol
Gone SCUBA diving?: no
Been stung by a jellyfish?: nope
Been stung by a bee?: no
Thrown up in a restaurant?: no
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: yep
Sworn in front of your parents?: yeah
Had detention?: yeah
Been sent to the principal's office?: yes..twice
Been called a bitch?: yeah
Been called a Hoe?: in the nicest way possible
Played ding dong ditch?: no
Chapter 6: Random
If you could take back one thing, what would it be?: no comment
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair?: brown
If you were on death row, what would your final request be?: to fly away and become invisible =D
i am so sad. it's raining and i am drinking tea and listening to daphne loves derby. i'm in a rut. =(
everyone seems to be sad, or most of the people i talk to. our dorm room is depressing. giselle and i are sad for an unknown reason, briggitte is sick, and heidi is.. i don't really know about heidi. i feel looooooooow.
everyone seems to be sad, or most of the people i talk to. our dorm room is depressing. giselle and i are sad for an unknown reason, briggitte is sick, and heidi is.. i don't really know about heidi. i feel looooooooow.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
giselle was doing this online thing where you type in a person's name and it says their stripper name or something like that. my porn star name is nurse naughty. how appropriate.. haha. and my boobs names are bert and ernie. HAHA! that one is the best! i changed my myspace name to bert&ernie and i told heidi to look at it. then my profile song started playing and it was the sesame street theme song. wOw! how ironic. i guess i'm just good like that. heehee
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