Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Step 2/5

I just sent in my email questionnaire for the hospital I'm trying to get into. Step 2 complete. It was only ten questions, but the hardest thing about it was getting started. Apparently the questionnaire is to screen the people who really want to work there from the people that don't. I hope I was convincing enough at proving that I really do want to work there (which I think I do).

Question #1 was fairly easy: Why do you want to work at here? My secret to answering that question was going to their website and looking at their mission statement and somehow slipping that into my response. I learned from my management clinical that organizations really like it when you know what their goal is.

The rest of the questions were the usual: "What units are you interested in and why?, "Describe blah blah blah from your clinical experience," "How would you deal with this such and such situation." You know, that type of thing.

I got stuck on one question though: Tell us of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree. Crap. I haven't really encountered this. So what did I do? I pseudo-fabricated one. It did happen, but it wasn't so much a policy than a unit preference. Oops.

My response to the last question was the best: If you accepted a position in the Residency, it requires a commitment to work for 2.5 year beyond the program. What is it about you that would make the hospital believe that you would keep this commitment? My response in a nutshell: It's my home.

Now, it may sound like bullshit, which even to me it does, but when it comes down to it, it is my home. In October it will be 19 years living in this hospital community. I went to school at the hospital's elementary school, go to church at the hospital's church, volunteered at the hospital, spent a vast majority of my afternoons in the hospital cafeteria loitering (looking back I'm surprised they didn't kick us out after all those hours and years of just buying chips and freeloading off their water), and go to my doctors appointments here. I'm the last of the original people who used to all live here, and I suppose I wouldn't mind staying for another three years.

And at my home today, I baked a funfetti cake with chocolate frosting. It's bomb dig!

1 comment:

Jenelyn said...

bomb dig.