Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I had mentioned in a previous post that my dad knows that nurse manager for the unit I am applying to. Tonight we went to visit her. She lives on the floor below us, and my parents thought it would be a good idea to just drop by. I was a little uneasy about this because some people don't like that. Luckily, she was very nice and was glad to see our family. She said she would talk to the nurse recruiter tomorrow and see if she could set me up with a nurse manager interview. Sweet! Then I learned that there are only 19 spots open for the RN residency program and 600 have applied. Shit. She also mentioned that she interviewed someone yesterday right after that person had their panel interview. So the panel felt that person was well suited for that unit, but I was not offered that. I feel like I'm sinking.

I have tried my hardest to not let myself think, "You got this," even though everyone around me is saying that I do. I refuse to let myself think that because I know that if I do, and I don't get the job, I'll be even more let down. Even though uncanny events in my life have somehow come together to lead me where I am, I still won't allow myself to think that I have a good shot at getting the job I want. Ah, the good ole defense mechanism.

It makes me uneasy that applying for a job is not really about your skills, grades and what you bring to the table. It's about who you know. I realize that this is how it is, but it's difficult for me to embrace. This whole application process to this particular hospital has been based on who I know, well mostly who my parents know. I supposed I just have to suck it up because this may be the only way I can get a job in this economy.

1 comment:

Jenelyn said...

Jen, it's going to be okay. I get what you are saying about what will help your chances of getting in and it's usually the people you know. I think that's a good connection you have through your parents. Don't be afraid to use it. I remember going into the admissions office here at Baylor to drop in with the Dean and I set up an appointment with her. DUring my appointment, she asked me more about myself and I just told her about my life & why medical school but I gave her a very personal story.

You have an interesting life. You can make this interview interesting by just speaking from the heart. It seems that a lot of interviewers just want ppl that are sincere. Iono that's probably the best advice I can give you for your interview. Don't fret, just remember your life is in God's hands. I know it sucks to wait around not knowing where you really are going to be for the rest of your life but hang in there!