Tuesday, August 23, 2005

^that is an incredibly depressing song! I LOVE IT! (thanks bryan. remember, i like the sad stuff so don't hesitate to tell me about them.)
i have been feeling extra gag-ish lately. i was at khaing's house and she made us watch "a cinderalla story" and i just wanted to throw up. i am definitely not or will ever be a hopeless romantic. us girls were talking about college and relationships, and i think that if i were to be in a relationship in college i would want to make it an open relationship. anything can happen in college. you meet new people and get to know them, and with an open relationship you can explore other option, i guess, but still not miss out or lose that other person. but you have to have very clear boundaries and know what you can and can't do.
i just found out that my cousin left for berkeley. i did not even know she was going there. my family doesn't tell me crap! i didn't even get to say bye. it seems like all of my cousins are going up north some time in their life for something more than just a trip. my cousin is going to berkeley, my other cousin is going for med training, my other cousin to transfer, and i will be in sf to work. yay! SF!! wOOts! but that's not for another five years. ugh! i want to get out of this house! i need my freedom.
but most importantly i need to get my mind off of certain things/emotions/feelings.. =/
i'm done.

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