Saturday, September 07, 2002

quote: an ideal friend is someone who is there for you no matter what. but none of us have those types of friends because no one is that unselfish.

yeah. i like that quote. i made it! yay for me! today was ok. i hung out with the guys a lot! yay! it's better than some other things. damn it! i just hate how some people are! seriously. it's like they are trying to seclude you but you try so hard to believe that they are not and that they have a reason behind all that stuff. people can be maarte sometimes. i know I can be A LOT of times. but whatever. it's not all my fault. ok. i am just being maarte because what if the other people are talking about something and i don't want to bother. it's not like i need the attention. i am not maarte for the attention. i am sometimes but not all the time. i CAN be considerate too. geez. fuck! what the hell man! my mom was right! friends aren't always going to be there for you when you need them but family always will. another thing i learned was that maybe the people that you don't think are your friends are actually better friends than the ones that you have been hanging out with. whatever man! all i can do is move on with life... even if it is without those friends.

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