This is how you study at Loma Linda...

For dead and finals week, our dorm provided us with an unlimited amount of popcorn, hot chocolate, apple cidar, and chai latte. But that amount of sugar, salt, studying, and late nights leads to some craziness, which Giselle proudly displays.


I only had two finals this quarter, one was really easy and the other was not so easy. Actually, the other one, Med-Surg II, I freaked out about. I had that final on Thursday, and I was really nervous and anxious while starting to take it. It's a 120 question final, and around question 17 or 19 I start to have an anxiety attack. My heart starts beating fast and irregularly, my breathing is fast and shallow, my skin feels clammy, my eyes fill with tears, I feel dizzy and feel like collapsing to the floor. I was really nervous that I would fail this test and have to retake the class. I even thought about fake fainting, but realized that everyone would be looking at me and would probably be sent to the ER. My symptoms passed after a few minutes, and I finished the test. It turns out that I did just fine of the test. That's the second anxiety attack I've had. The first one was more minor than this one, but both of them were in nursing school. That's not too good. But now it's over, and according to others, I'm over the hump and it gets better from here. I counted how many pages of lectures notes I had for Med-Surg II alone, and I had 852 pages. That does not include supplemental notes or reading material. That is just 852 pages of notes for 36 hours of lecture. Wow.
After finals, I got to relax by going shopping and to a Christmas party. It was a La Sierra party, but 50% or more were SGA people, especially '05ers.

So there it is. I figured I'd write a longer one with pictures since I don't know when I'll have time to blog again. Hasta luego!
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