Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy 11/11 at 11:11!

This weekend was fun. Giselle and Ardrin had their 20th birthday party at James' house this weekend. Lori, Connie, and I went together. It was a lot of fun. There were a lot of SGA people there. It was like a mini reunion! A lot of stuff happened on Saturday that Connie and I found so entertaining. Ah, good times.

This past week I've been reconnecting with some friends. I've been talking to people on the phone for hours, just catching up and venting a little. It was really nice to reestablish that connection. I'm really trying not to disappear and get sucked into LLU. I'm really trying to work at my friendships and just calling to say "what's up." Friendship is really important, especially in those times in life where everything sucks, and you just need a shoulder to cry on.

To Connie: Please send me pictures from Saturday. =D

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