Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I am exhausted. I spent the whole day with Briggitte. Roomies Day Out! First we went to Old Town Pasadena. We spent a few hours there shopping at H&M and Forever 21 then eating at Boba World. The plan was to watch Casino Royale with other people at Glendale, so we decided to go to the Galleria to shop a little bit before the movie. We ended up ditching the movie for 40% off AE jeans, thanks to JR. Too bad I didn't buy any. Briggitte and I left the mall around 7:30, which gives us a grand total of 8 and a half hours of shopping. I have not shopped like that in a long time. The trip got me 1 pair of boots, 2 dresses, sunglasses, a head band, a necklace, a robe, and 2 Christmas cards. How much did I spend? $130, excluding food. Wow, those boots killed my budget. I might return them if I find something better after Christmas. Is that horrible or what? The whole day my phone kept ringing. Briggitte was about to throw my phone away. I got kind of cranky later in the day because too much was going on. Then things got better after we left the mall. Briggitte and I decided to visit Connie before she left for Japan. We went to a dessert place near her house then hung out at her house. When I got home, I put on the robe that I got. It's so comfortable! The design is so cute, and it makes me so happy! Today was a really good day. Tiring, but enjoyable.

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