Friday, July 07, 2006

i watched a movie called "little manhattan." (thanks bryan, i got it off your hard drive.) it's about a 10 year old who experiences his first love. it has some good quotes.

"love isn't about ridiculous little words. love is about grand gestures. love is about airplanes pulling banners over stadiums, proposals on jumbotrons, giant words in sky writing. love is about going that extra mile even if it hurts, letting it all hang out there. love is about finding courage inside of you that you didn't even know was there."

"as i held on to rosemary telesco for dear life, we both new the truth: she was going off to camp and eventually private school. we were on different roads, she and me. two ships that passed in Sheep Meadow."

"the truth is, there's gonna be other girls out there, i mean, i hope. but i'm never gonna get another first love. that one's always gonna be her."
^that one is really cute but sad. =(

i got this one from danny t's profile then heard it while watching the movie:
"love is an ugly, terrible business practiced by fools. it'll trample your heart and leave you bleeding on the floor. and what does it get you in the end? nothing but a few incredible memories that you can't ever shake."

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