Wednesday, February 22, 2006

i should be essaying but..

Your senior year in High School is supposed to be the best year of your life. Let's see how much you remember

Who was your best friend(s)?:
bryan and megan

Who did you have a crush on?:
no one.. i think, hmm..

What sports did you play?:

What kind of car did you drive?:
none, well i drove me dad's camry

It's Friday night, where were you at?:
uh, online?

Were you a party animal?:
party? what is that?

Were you in the "In Crowd"?
there is not "in crowd" at sga.. it's just one BIG group.. i heart my friends! =D

Ever skip school?:
i wanted too..

Ever smoke?:

Were you a nerd?:
OF COURSE! come on now, it's me!

Did you get suspened/expelled?:

Can you sing the Alma Mater?:
i don't think we have one

Who was your favorite teacher?:
ozzie.. wOOt!

Favorite class?:
physics because there were a lot of crazy moments!

What was your schools full name?:
san gabriel academy

School mascot?:

Did you go to Prom?:
i went to BANQUETS! and what, huh!

Where did you work?:
i had no job

If you could go back and do it over...Would you?
some parts but mostly no

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