Tuesday, January 03, 2006

today was really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really fun! we did not do anything particularly exciting today. i guess we just acted like we were on crack or something. we went to various sports stores so jenelyn could look for some hockey equipment. it made me want to start roller blading again. good times. jenelyn had a doctor appointment so khaing and i had nothing to do. we filled up our time by RECYCLING (HOORAY) and watching this one teen chick flick. jenelyn came back and we went to old town pasadena. tomorrow is the annual rose bowl so they had the FOOD BOWL. the street was closed off and food stores and radio stations set up booths where they could sell food or do whatever. it was so cool but hella expensive. the funnel cake was mmm mmm good! but the really cool part was when we were about to leave. we were just about to cross the street when a float from the 117th annual tournament of roses parade started coming by. then more started coming. i guess they were relocating them or throwing them away. on one of the floats, the mermaid's head was cut off. haha! there were about 10 to 15 floats that passed by. i took pictures and recorded it. haza! on the way back to khaing's house i could not stop laughing. we sang sappy love songs with opera voices. i was really really hyper and i still am!! =D

i am going to go and visit sga tomorrow. wOOts! i think i will be there from 9 until 11 because jenelyn needs to talk to ozzie about physics stuff. then i'm going to DISNEYLAND!! for FREE!! thank you adrian, though i highly doubt you will ever read this. tomorrow shall be an enjoyable day. =D

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