Friday, November 04, 2005

today was alpha and kevin's anniversary so he came for the whole day. and for the whole day they had my laptop.. i missed my music. silence is overrated. i went to eat with connie. hotlanta chicken wings are soooo good!! *yum* before my math test i went to starbucks with kristina, monica, jan, jeanne, and mark and had a little incident. =/ then i watched the football game for a little bit then it got kind of boring. connie needed me to help her unfog her windshield. aah, connie. after a night full of weirdness, i went back to my room and vacuumed at 12:30 am. haha! i hope i did not disturb anyone. and people have midterms tomorrow. oops! i'm tired now but i probably won't sleep yet. peace.

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