in english i talked to jed about korean drama shows and halo. the halo talk was really weird. jake, jed, and i listened to final fantasy music.
after lunch i watched the korean drama show jed told me about. i think it's called "my lovely sam-soon" or something like that. but i like it. =D
today i was about to take an afternoon nap when connie called me and asked if she could stay in my room. connie and xyra came and started looking at the bride magazine i found in my drawer when i moved in. we started talking about weddings. i really want to plan someone's wedding.. just not mine. haha! i didn't get to take my nap so i went to math. when i got back to my room, connie and xyra were watching "how to lose a guy in 10 days."
connie was hungry so i suggested nutella. she got a fork and asked "is this a spoon or a fork?"
^connie moment, haha
briggitte and giselle looked so pretty in their homecoming dresses. aww!
after six o'clock and on i spent my night with heidi and xyra.
loma linda came to talk about how you can get into their progams. i went there for the free pizza and soda but ended up listening to what they had to say. i started freaking out a little because i hav a lot of competition. they said that spring quarter is the easiest quarter to get into but i don't think that is possible for me. but you never know.
after the stress fest, we went to the eagle's nest and watched tv. we went back to my dorm and watched "saw" and "how to lose a guy in 10 days," my second time today. i'm in love with that yellow dress!
the weekend is almost here. i have no clue what is going to happen this weekend but i'm open to anything, i guess.
everyone that comes in my dorm and looks at my wall collage likes this picture =D :

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