Wednesday, September 14, 2005

i found myself sitting in front of my laptop and staring out of my window and at the moon. sounds kind of cliche. it seems like something that only happens in movies or books. but as i was doing that i thought about me. not in the conceited "all about me" way, but in the "finding myself" way. you know how when you take surveys and they ask things about yourself? i had a really hard time answering those questions. i never knew what to put down and even when i wrotet something down i felt like i was bsing my way through it. but in the past eight or nine months i have discovered a lot of things about myself. but along with this new found discovery i also found even more questions that i can't answer about myself. college is supposed to be the place where you find youself and make yourself an individual. am i the only one that feels like other people know me better than i know myself? it's probably because they can see how i act and they experience first hand the type of things i can do. i am lost. i want to find myself. right now i know i want to be a nurse. but what about when i actually get out there and start working? will i still want to be a nurse? i have never had the experience of actually being one and doing a nurse's job. how do i know if this is what i am meant to do? i am not sure if i want to get married or have a family of my own. most women have that maternal thing about them, but i am just not feeling it right now. am i too selfish to ever get married and have a family? can i handle all the sacrifices i have to make in order for me to have the things i want in life? i have so many questions about my future but i know that no one can answer them except for me. but i am not really scared. maybe it's because of the excitement of starting college and being independent. but will i start to freak out after all that excitement has gone away? self discovery, i'll take it as a blessing.

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