Tuesday, August 30, 2005

FUCK! i hate it when people think they are better than others because of their race or social status or the way they were raised or whatever else their excuse is! or maybe they do not think they are better. maybe they think that it just "won't ever work out" because it is INCONVENIENT for everyone. well "everyone" may not be the people that are actually involved! maybe, JUST MAYBE, these people like each other, or even LOVE each other, and that really gives you no right to get in the way. and it really pisses the crap out of me when families embed this kind of thinking into their childrens heads and end up ruining someone else's life. i understand that people have a closed mind about this and that they just "want the best for their kids." but i think that is bullshit! it's never all about the kids! it's about them! maybe not entirely, but the fact of the matter still remains the same. people do not like to step out of their comfort zones, but maybe if they did, they might find something amazing out there!

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