Sunday, March 20, 2005

and maybe what's good gets a little bit better, and maybe what's bad gets gone. let's hope so...
i am at erin's house right now for debut practice. i like blogging on other people's computers because they are a lot faster than mine. haha! but when i blog it is always like at 2 am. we are trying to cut up our shirts for the hip hop thing. i think it will look hot but i dunno. i am really tired. we danced for about four hours today. grr... but cruise is in two days! wOOts!
i was making my bed yesterday and i felt kind of weird not putting my favorite panda on top of it. i mean i have not been doing that for a few weeks now but it just seemed sad. i was talking to jen about it and she asked me if i could just put the panda there and not think about the sentimental value of it. i do not know about that right now but i think later on i will be able to. i love that panda! it is the bestest panda ever! EVER! it got me through some tough times. haha! but seriously, i miss it. i want it back. but i know i can't have it on my bed just yet.
chorale and bell choir did their thing at white memorial today. i was telling bryan that i could not believe i felt awkward in my own church. it was so weird. i'm feelin' it! but at potluck khaing was asking me about something that chandler said during "friends" and i told her to ask bryan because he was chandler. then khaing goes "why are you chandler? you're not funny!" haha! aww.. it's ok, bryan. i think you're funny in that sarcastic way. i mean i think you are funny because you are sarcastic not that i am being sarcastic by thinking you are funny. get it? ok. i am sure you do.
oh! i had the weirdest dream last night! we were finishing up our "pride and prejudice" essays in class like we did in friday (in real life) and i finished writing it three minutes before class ended. but then i realized that i still had to type it out for some reason but i did not have time. i do not type that fast. so i look under my desk and all i have to use to type out my paper is a typewriter, the manual kind. so i was freaking out about my paper. and to top it off ms. rich passed back a bunch of papers while we were taking the test so i could not figure out which ones were part of my essay or not. then we had a bible extra credit thing. it was weird. it was me, this guy i do not know, michelle, some other girls, and chris. we had to play basketball and every point you made you got one point of extra credit. but it was brutal! everyone was getting hit on the face and getting into fights. it was crazy! and then my dream ended because khaing texted me. then i went back to sleep then my alarm woke me up, then i went back to sleep and jed called me, then i went back to sleep then bryan called me. after that i gave up on sleeping and just got ready to go to church.
oh! i think i am getting into naruto! it is really good. i want more episodes. and jen made me play a game. then i found out later that it was maple story. how weird! i like it. but i do not think i will be getting into that anytime soon. my computer is too slow for that. haha! i am going to go cut up my shirt for hip hop. bye!

*i hope you find that one person worth fighting for.

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