Saturday, July 03, 2004

i have to get my camera sent! boo! stupid LDC screen! anyway, friday was ok. i was supposed to go to the beach with erin, khaing, jen, kristina, and other people but i could not. oh well. my day accomplished a lot. my dad and i went to glendale. i rushed to american eagle and got a bag that i have been eyeing for a while. it went on sale so i bought it. then my dad and i went to circuit city and bought my stereo since my old one cannot read cd's anymore. my dad had to drop off something to one of his patients. then we went to kmart since i had to buy a disposable camera since i have to get my digital camera fixed. good thing the cameras were on sale. then i went home and cleaned. my mom and i had a fight. whatever. i do not care anymore.

my saturday was boring! i went to church and then to the cafe. my family came over to celebrate my mom's birthday and my uncle's birthday. but to be honest, it seemed like it was mostly for my mom. i talked to my cousins. eric drew a panda for me. i am going to make it my background. for the rest of the night my family karaoked. yep. it is a typical filipino get together.

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