Wednesday, August 20, 2003

quote: JUNIOR SUCKS!... already.

man! i hate junior year already. i thought that sophomore year was going to be crap but it was not that bad. and i thought that junior year was going to be a ball. but guess what? it's not! i hate it! i am so tired and it's so hot and i have no time for anything or no one has anytime for me or anything else. but whatever. i guess i just have to get over it and move on with my miserable life. i have 5 classes with rachel, mike, jason, and byron. that's so funny! mike is going to be funny! our english class is going to be so cool! there are like 20 of us in that class! and we have cool people so she will have more fun with us. that's right! but whatever. that's the only good thing going for me right now.

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