Tuesday, February 18, 2003

quote: kick away the need... DANG IT! kick it away!

it is such a sad yet joyous day for me. today, my "baby" commit suicide. rachel was throwing it to me. but i was not aware. it was all so sudden. i saw something fly. i asked rachel if it was my beloved "baby," my eraser. she nodded. i tried to look for it under the tables during biology. no where. yes. no where to be found. i thought it was under the front table. i was mistakened. the last time i saw my beloved was when it jumped off of my backpack. i ask, "why? why leave me now?" yes i knew that it was bound to happen some day. but i was hoping that it would die and not commit suicide or get kidnapped or lost. i hoped that it would die like a normal and natural death, by being used up by all the erasing that it has to do. but no. it died a tragic death. i mourn for the loss of my beloved eraser by being hyper and happy on the outside. but truely, on the inside, i am in pain. in pain because my "baby" is gone. forever. but wait. it may not be. it may still be alive. it may still be in mr snyder's room. there, on the floor, waiting for me to come and bring it home. but that is just a maybe. a small maybe. it is a maybe hanging by a small thread. after a while, if i do not find "my baby" i will eventually end my mourning. but do not fret. i have a new eraser in my life. rachel gave it to me for my birthday. i was planning on using it when "my baby" was gone. and i guess, i guess now is the time for me to use it. i did not name "my baby" before. but i will now. my new one is called DAVE. yes. DAVE. i plan to have many joyous times with dave. he is good to me. people say he is better than "my baby," but i beg to differ. "my baby" was with me ever since third grade. we have been through so much. i will keep those memories in my heart forever. "my baby" R.I.P. remember, i bought you in chinatown for $1. i hope you are happy in your "eraser heaven." it is a good place. no more rubbing on paper or desks. just a calm and peaceful environment. GOOD-BYE "MY BABY"... HELLO DAVE.

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