Monday, August 12, 2002

quote: stupidity should be painful.

geez. all i wanted to do was finish my class art thingy. that's all! how am i supposed to know what to do with my craft. i don't go to crafts! grr. oh well. i can just finish it some other time.. i hope. =) rene is with group 11 and 12. i kind of miss him but not really since we don't have rotation and stuff like that. dang it! the kids piss me off! all i want them to do is pay attention to me. is that so hard to ask?!?! well maybe it is, for them, since they are little kids and their attention span isn't that big. but i don't care. PAY ATTENTION TO ME! ALL EYES ON ME! argh. but only 3 more days of practice. so it's cool.

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